The term web design is broader in meaning that it has ever been, so deciding on the right type of site and its objectives needs careful thought and planning. At the start of each website project we work with you to distill a number of key factors down in order identify the best solution for your businesses website. These are.
A starting place is to decide on your goals for the site and how they relate to your business. Try completing this statement: “The way our business makes money is the following . . .
and currently our website is failing us in the following ways …. This is how we provide value to users… We want communicate this value by ..., and support this with ABC and XYZ as secondary and tertiary actions.” If we can help you define these goals correctly we are halfway to making your site an effective asset.
Who are these people, where do they come from? Most importantly, what are they looking for? Let’s us help you answer their questions and give them what they are after in easy effortless and tasteful mouthfuls.
Where does your site sit amongst your other web assets in the online solar system. What are the routes of communication between them and how do you want your users to move between them all. What is the end destination and goal?
What are your key words, where are you now and where do you want to be in the future. We will use these to inform the site and page architecture to get you off to the best possible start. We will then work with you to plan and implement the best routes to continued increases.
The look and feel, the essence and magic. The visual identity that runs across all you do online. It represents you and you’ll be judged by it. We live and breathe design and take the time it get it just right. Getting it right lets your users float through your site.
There is no doubt you will need some form of functionality on your site. It could be a humble contact form or a more advanced search and filter of products . We carefully consider all functionality and test all eventualities. This gives you users a robust and trouble free experience.
What is underpinning this new thoroughbred? A selected choice of CMS systems, ecommerce shops and custom code creations are all available to you. We will help you choose the best one to give you the most effective, secure, high performing and long term end product.
A sale, an enquiry, a subscriber or a return visitor. Every site needs some form of conversion that can be measured. This means your site not only looks and feels great, but it brings value and benefit to your business and you can gauge the extend of this.
Your site must do what you want it to do, and most importantly what your users anticipate it is going to do when they interact with it. If the functionality works like second nature they won't stumble and you will reap the benefits.
Design and content are the yin and yang of website design. Both need the chance to work perfectly together and compliment each other. Unlike a presentation or brochure, the stream of information should be regularly changing though your site and we’ll help form a site that enables you do to this in most efficient way. Not only will your users love you for this but Google will take a favourable view of it too.
The photography, illustration and visual devices used across a site add to the overall brand and user experience. We collaborate with selected photographers and illustrators to create the right feel and tone for your businesses.
Consider using video on your website to engage your users instantly and introduce them to you and your products. There are many ways to create an effective video and we will help with your video strategy.
Your users will all come from somewhere. Whether it be Adwords, google search, email campaigns or directly. Considering their different needs will help to give them the best possible experience and you the best outcome in terms of conversion.
We will take care of the technical aspects of your site or work with your existing providers. Website hosting, domain name, emails, cms platforms, and site backups will all be considered and become part of the master plan.
The small print is easy to overlook, but it is there for good reason and we will make sure your site complies with current legalities and overall good practice. Adding terms, cookies, privacy and accessibility statements are all part of the service.
Your site needs life and regular updates, feeds, exports, imports all help keep the cogs turning. Whether it is as simple as pulling in Twitter feeds, and updating your blog once a week, or sending a property feed to all portals we help to make it as easy as possible for you to integrate site updates into your business life. More time, less effort, greater exposure.
Accessibility, W3 compliance, browser testing. We test thoroughly so you don’t have to.
Site speed is important and we have a perfected setup process that we implement to ensure everything zips along when your site launches. A fast site keeps your users and Google happy.
We ensure your site is kept secure from the plethora of evil that tries to worm its way into web servers across the world every day. We prefer to routinely check and update your environment and reduce the risk to a minimum.
Favicons, 404 pages, sitemaps, We apply the polish to your site by following a rigid 55 point checklist that ensures your website is fit for function and long term success.