At least twice a year I receive a call from someone who needs copy of some files or document sent long ago because they have lost a lot of data on their computer system due to a hack or hardware failure. It is a horrible stressful experience for the person involved. Considering the number of different devices you use to access the internet, the number of sites you visit protecting yourself is a challenge. A weakness in any of these could potentially lead to an unwanted intrusion resulting either loss of data, time or money.
The latest trend in cyber crime is ransomware. The ransomware villains usually tempt users to click on infected email links or to open infected attachments – then the attack starts. A message is displayed on the screen and victims are asked to pay a ransom in virtual currency (bitcoin). So far this year, there have been many attacks, even including those on Mac computers. With this attack vector on a steep growth curve, it’s critical to prevent these attacks now. 4 quick things you can do to protect yourself are to make safe and secure back ups of your data, always update you systems when patches are available, use antivirus and a firewall, learn more about threats and what to look out for.